Pet Photography, Dog Photography, Panoramas, Drone Photos

Fuji GFX 50IIs

Posted by D. John on Wednesday, January 10, 2024
After years of using a Hasselblad medium format camera I decided to upgrade to a new Fujifilm GFX 50 Its medium format camera. The new camera offers higher resolution and great color. I also have a Nikon full frame camera that I use on location, but the new Fujifilm camera can also now be used on location as well as in the studio and creates an even bigger and better file than the full frame Nikon. I also upgraded my studio lighten to new battery powered lights. These lights don't need cords to power them so they are safer to use with your pets because they won't get tangled up in power or trigger cords. The new equipment will make it easier to get great studio or location photos of your pets and and are safer for them too.


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